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newsletter Apr 15, 2024

Famous family quote from my mother to me and my brothers: 

How are you going to have your dream come true…. if you don’t have a dream?

Let’s take a moment and dream now, visualize your dream life, you’re working at a fulfilling job of your dreams, going on those exotic vacations you always wanted to, you’re healthy, both mentally and physically and at peace.

I’m launching my first newsletter that puts you on a path to get you out of your current life rut to help you realize those dreams.

Let me introduce myself. 

I’m Dominic Gaziano, an educator, adult primary care doctor out of Chicago, and an author of a few health books. 

I’m really excited to share my new startup, “New You Learning”, a learning portal that focuses on always making yourself better and achieving your best life. We help you foster a changed mindset and give you wisdom, inspiration, and motivation in our articles, tips, and in-depth learning video courses. We will hook you up with the right mentor and give direction that helps move you from your stagnated life to the life of your dreams.

Newyou-learning has resources for whatever phase of life you’re in, to get you to the next level.

So this is newsletter number one, my first newsletter.

Every week, I’m going to give my reflections and editorial comments on the three posts that I did that week on the blog.You can check them out below or you can see where they’re posted in the “What’s New You” blog section. I’m going to share the common thread of these posts to inspire you, motivate you, and think about a new changed mindset. 

Then I’m going give you a little preview of next week’s themes. 

Last week, my 3-post theme was about being true to yourself.

On Monday, in my health focus post, I was encouraging healthcare professionals, and all those interested in Health, to combat medical misinformation by understanding the truth themselves. I recommended some tools on how to analyze and determine truthful information. The quote that went along with this post is my favorite of the week, it speaks for itself, “Truth, alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time.” Mahatma Gandhi 

On Wednesday, my success skills post was about believing in who you are and taking the first step, not waiting until you know everything. The quote I posted also speaks for itself, “ You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Martin Luther King.

On Fridays, I post all about life, enrichment, and personal growth.

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